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I love these interviews. Have listened to almost every single one. These guys are great and they ask all the best questions and get the true stories.

Truly Worth Every Minute
What a smart, clever approach the business of Hollywood. Noah and Dan are terrific hosts who do a fanastic job of teasing our reply meaningful stuff from hard-working guests. For writers, listening to these tales of stumbles and failure will help normalize our perspective on this industry and even inspire. Dan and Noah have tapped into a much needed set of stories‹.

MVSP: Most Valuable Screenwriting Podcast
There are a lot of (great!) podcasts out there about screenwriting, but none presents a more clear-eyed vision of the pitfalls inherent in this industry as this one does. Noah and Dan have a charming relationship, with Noah constantly covering for Dan’s lack of knowledge and expertise, a fact obscured by Dan’s winning accent which gives the appearance of erudition. But the guests are the true heroes here, many rehashing deeply painful moments from their professional and artistic paths, so aspirers like myself can go into the battlefield clear eyed as possible. Thanks to all the players for this wonderful podcast. May it last forever.

The Story of My Life
As someone who has worked as a movie and TV writer for the better part of two decades, this podcast is as close as it gets to living the life of a writer in Hollywood. With their insightful questions and ability to really listen, Noah and Dan have a way of getting their amazing guests to talk not only about their greatest successes, but to be open and vulnerable about their biggest failures. This business is a marathon, not a sprint. There are so many ups and downs. This podcast lets the rest of us know that we are not alone.

Truly Worth Every Minute
What a smart, clever approach the business of Hollywood. Noah and Dan are terrific hosts who do a terrific job of teasing our reply meaningful stuff from hard-working guests. For writers, listening to these tales of stumbles, failure and stumbling, will give a real perspective on this industry and even inspire you. Dan and Noah have tapped into a much needed niche here.

Required listening for screenwriters
Anyone into, or looking to get into screenwriting should have a listen.

Great and necessary!!!
Fills a niche much needed in screenwriting podcasts—a dose of reality & transparency mixed with inspiration to stay resilient and succeed. Amazing show, should be on every writer’s list!

I was a fan before I was a guest.
Stories of failure and adversity might sound anxiety inducing but if you’re a writer, they can actually be comforting and even inspiring. Dan and Noah have tapped into a much needed niche here. Full disclosure, I was a guest, but before that, I was a fan. Highly recommended.

Great Show!
Thanks for putting this together, Noah and Dan! My gateway episode was the Jeffrey Lieber interview. Fascinating. Planning to jump back to the beginning and listen to them all + counting this as therapy. Thanks again! - Matt O’Neill

Painfully insightful and delightfully candid
When I came across Noah’s Twitter account and saw the podcast about screenwriting failures I thought to myself “as if anyone would share their real failures with us laypeople”. I stand corrected! Not only Dan and Noah have amazingly honest, informative and entertaining guests but their questions and interviewing style dig up the truth of working in this industry and the effect it has on everyone! Hearing everyone’s journey, is a great support mechanism for us aspiring and emerging writers trying to cope with failure. Thank you Noah and Dan!

Painfully insightful and delightfully candid
When I came across Noah’s Twitter account and saw the podcast about screenwriting failures I thought to myself “as if anyone would share their real failures with us laypeople”. I stand corrected! Not only Dan and Noah have amazingly honest, informative and entertaining guests but their questions and interviewing style dig up the truth of working in this industry and the effect it has on everyone! Hearing everyone’s journey, is a great support mechanism for us aspiring and emerging writers trying to cope with failure. Thank you Noah and Dan!

Great listen
Highly encourage everyone to listen to this podcast as it is entertaining and eye opening!

Awesome pod
Noah and Dan are great hosts and have wonderful guests. Truly informative and a unique perspective - focusing on the failures of the business, which helps all writers remember that failure is part of the process. It’s quickly become my fav screenwriting podcast! You won’t regret it.

Essential listening for fans, pros, & those who want to go pro
Grateful for this podcast that pops the hood & shows how things really work. Always excited to see a new episode announced. Liked, subscribed, would buy a coffee mug. 📺🎥👍

This is my favorite podcast out of all the podcasts
There's only one podcast that I listen to every week without fail, and it's this one. Noah and Dan do an amazing job interviewing each guest to bring out the best, funniest, most helpful stories. They're also a lot of fun, and the balance of having Dan (who doesn't have much experience in Hollywood) and Noah (who has a lot) makes for an accessible and insightful conversation. Highly recommended.

Great, insightful show
As a Hollywood wannabe myself, this show brings great insight into the art, craft and business of screenwriting - and more! Anyone who cares about the industry should check it out!

A must listen!
Lots of podcasts out there about “the business.” It’s easy to focus on the shiny ups, but there are more ugly downs - them’s the breaks - and Screaming into the Hollywood Abyss dives into the realities of the business, and manages to turn those losses into wins. The takeaway from each episode is always positive: we can get through the rough stuff and come out stronger.

Worth a listen
The podcast is fantastic and gives insight into the world of being a writer. Constant rejection and despair, but it always ends with hope and makes me feel like I’m not alone in the profession I have chosen. Fantastic guests and something every aspiring writer should listen to.

You Have to Fail
Earlier this year on a podcast Jerry Seinfeld was asked if he could go back and change one thing about his career, what would it be? He said he would keep the failures. The failures made him. You have to fail. That is the premise of this excellent podcast. Great guests talk about how their failures made them who they are today. Subscribe. Listen. Learn.

Big Fan
I met Noah over Twitter, going back & forth about Charlie Kaufman, and he’s a genuinely good guy. I saw the link to the podcast in his bio. Click. Wow. A document of the rarest sort - The truth about what nobody wants to say or hear regarding the ins & many outs of being a creator in Hollywood. After one episode, I felt like the studio had taken away my parking space, too. An instant favorite.

The other side of Hollywood success
Hollywood is the only industry where Failure is the default. Each episode dives into the pile of un-produced scripts and mounds of rejection letters that eventually build up to success. It’s the most real talk about the industry you’ll get.

A new must-listen in the "Pro Writers Host Podcasts" category
This has quickly become a must-listen for anyone who's interested in being a pro writer or who just likes real, pragmatic stories about the behind-the-scenes life in Hollywood. It's focused specifically on people's rejections and failures, and it's s till a wildly entertaining listen. Noah Evslin, himself a pro writer who's had his share of ups and downs, and his co-host Dan Rutstein has experience as an interview. The duo has already landed some great guests -- Adele Lim (CRAZY RICH ASIANS), Robert Hewitt Wolfe (STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE), and others. If you like THE MOMENT with Brian Koppelman, or HAPPIER IN HOLLYWOOD from Liz Craft & Sarah Fain, or if you're pursuing any kind of film & TV career, this is the podcast for you. Caveat: Co-host Dan Rutstein is not to everyone's taste, and is inexplicably mean on several occasions to Noah, and also starts off a lot of interviews by being weirdly rude to the guests. "You're know this is about failure… *why'd* you come on this podcast?" Um, because you invited them, Dan? I'm assuming Dan is like an evil John August and handles most of the podcasting duties, but it's the one seriously off-putting element of this podcast. And no, I've never met Noah personally. Anyway, still very much a must-listen.

Great show!
It always makes me feel better. Please have more comedy writers, please.

Compelling show
Fascinating podcast on what it takes to work in Hollywood and how to deal with rejection. Worthwhile listen for anybody interested in film.

Love it.
I’m not even in the industry and I’m loving this podcast. The hosts are amusing to listen to and the guests have been fascinating. Love it!

This is different than most screenwriting Q
They cover topics like how a writer’s quote doesn’t necessarily go up and managing finances when you’re basically a full time independent contractor. There’s not really discussion about craft which is actually good because there’s enough info about that out there

Gold In Word Form
I’m not a huge podcast person, but this one is so relatable and easy to listen to. The guests are respectable and candid. The interviewers do a great job listening. Although the audio isn’t always the quality of more produced shows, the content and encouragement and stories of struggle make it worth listening all the way through. It’s well worth your time. Would and will definitely recommend to friends.

My new favorite Hollywood industry podcast!
Noah and Dan are great hosts that let their guests tell it like it is. Their friendly banter lets the guests say such insightful Hollywood gems. I learn a lot while having fun listening to their stories. This is the podcast I didn't know I needed in my life!

Truly Worth the Time
What a smart, clever approach the business of Hollywood. Noah and Dan are terrific hosts who do a terrific job of teasing our reply meaningful stuff from hard-working guests.

Not Just Another One
Essential listening for all writers. Great hosts, great guests, great questions. You would think with the epidemic of screenwriting podcasts and self-proclaimed gurus there wouldn’t be a gap in the market to fill. But this does. I’ve never heard a podcast devoted to talking about failures and rejections, and that’s what makes this podcast not only insightful but, singularly encouraging — in a way that no other podcast quite reaches. Other podcasts present aspirational narratives — and these are certainly valuable — but SITHA provides something extra. Reassurance. Encouragement. A voice that says everything is going to be okay. Actually, two voices. Noah and Dan. Who are both equally fantastic.